
Buy Now, Pay Later with Shopback


Get more with Shopback today

Enjoy 3 interest-free instalments when you cart out with Shopback. Offer available for our online store and Beyond The Vines stores in Singapore. 

Here's how it works for online purchases:

1. Select the items you need
Cart out that top you've been eyeing or that bag everyone's been talking about, as per usual.

2. Checkout and choose Shopback
Like any other payment method, checkout is simple! Select Shopback as your payment option and pay only 1/3 of the total amount upfront. 

3. Get a Shopback account (if you don't already have one!)
You’ll be re-directed to Shopback to add your details for payment. No processing fees, credit checks or waiting time – Shopback will help you divide the total amount into three interest-free instalments. Easy!

4. Automated instalment deductions
The first instalment will be deducted upon checkout (which means the waiting game begins for your order to arrive!). You'll receive reminders from Shopback about subsequent instalments, which will be deducted automatically. Learn more about Shopback here.


Terms and Conditions

  1. Promotion is valid for online store (www.beyondthevines.com) and physical stores located in Singapore.
  2. Offer can be redeemed once across the promotion period.
  3. Valid for Hoolah accounts in Singapore only.
  4. All items purchased are eligible for returns and exchanges within 30 days from date of purchase.
  5. Returns for eligible products can be made and only the discounted value of the item paid will be issued in the form of store credits. 
  6. Store credits are valid for a year from date of return.
  7. Items can only be returned once, no multiple returns of the same item will be allowed.
  8. Returns and exchanges are not acceptable on all sale items, face masks, drinkware and stationery.
  9. All promotions are subject to prevailing government taxes and service charges where applicable.
  10. All purchases are subjected to Beyond The Vines terms and conditions.
  11. All return redemption vouchers are subjected to Shopback's terms and conditions. Please reach out to Shopback here. 
